Inscribed on the reverse simply "Horace Skipton May 89" this photograph proved to be something of a mystery. I was unable to find anyone by that name mentioned in the Army Lists for several years either before or after the date on the photograph. As it turns out this man is in all likelihood Horace Pitt Kennedy Skipton who was a member of the Indian Police Service. This would explain finding no mention of an officer by this name in the Army List.
According to the India List, Civil and Military for January 1888, Skipton was the Director Superintendent of Police, 5th Class for Bilaspur.
After leaving the Indian Police Skipton returned to England and served in several high-ranking positions in the clergy. He was the editor of several publications relating to the church and India as well as the author of several books on the same subjects.
Skipton was born in 1861 in Warwickshire, the son of Daniel Pitt Skipton. He married Jessie Goodwin in 1890 and had a daughter named Gertrude and a son named Gervais. He died on 16 February 1943.
A special thanks to the Rev. Sel Caradus for providing valuable help in identifying the sitter in this photograph. This photograph also appears in A Life of George Hills - First Bishop of British Columbia which was written by Horace Pitt Kennedy Skipton but never published. The 2008 edition of Skipton's manuscript was prepared and annotated by Rev. Sel Caradus, Christ Church Cathedral, Victoria, British Columbia.
Cabinet Photograph
G. W. Lawrie & Co. - Photographer
Lucknow, Naini Tal & Mussoorie, India