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Sgt J Miles.png

No. 7527 Colour Sergeant F. E. Miles of the Coldstream Guards. Miles attested with the Guards on 4 September 1888.

While serving in South Africa during the Anglo-Boer Was he was wounded in the hand at Pan Station on 1 October 1900 when his troop train carrying three companies of the 2nd Battalion, Coldstream Guards was derailed and attacked by a Bore commando force.

He was entitled to clasps Belmont, Modder River, Dreifontein, Wepener, Johannesburg, Diamond Hill, Belfast, and Orange Free State on his Queen's South Africa Medal. He was also entitled to the King's South Africa Medal with its two clasps.

No other information regarding Miles has come to light so far.

Cabinet Photograph

F. Scovell - Photographer

18 Queen's Road

Aldershot, England


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