Cabinet Photograph
Herbst - Photographer
28 Oxford Street, Hyde Park, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
c. 1890s
Unidentified except for a faint pencil inscription on the reverse side which reads "For Ada", the cabinet photograph captures the image of a gunner of the New South Wales Artillery (NSWA). The NSWA had a lineage dating back to as early as 1854.
This gunner's uniform consisted of a dark blue tunic with scarlet collar, buff-colored trousers, and whitened buff leather belt. His shoes are topped with leather leggings that are cut to resemble hussar-type boots. Members of the NSWA often wore dark blue puttees instead of leather leggings.
His white foreign service helmet is topped with a ball and it was wrapped in a dark blue pagri with a red band around the top edge. The helmet plate was in the form of a circular wreath surmounted by a crown. This surrounded a cross overlaid with
four stars and a lion. The plate was backed by scarlet cloth.