Unusual in several ways, this cabinet photograph depicts an American member of the Philippine Constabulary who was serving in the Military Police Command of the Constabulary.
While the history and organization Philippine Constabulary is very well documented I have been unable to find out much as to how the MPs functioned in relation to the Constabulary as a whole. I have seen numbered badges of the Constabulary Military Police that were individually numbered and read "Military Police Command" at the top of the badge and "Special Agent" at the bottom of the badge. The MP pictured wears the usual Philippine Constabulary insignia on his cap with the additional "MP" letters on his collar. He is armed with a truncheon and a holstered revolver. This is the only photograph of a Philippine Constabulary MP that I have come across.
Perhaps just as unusual as the subject is the rather long and more than a little odd inscription that the man decided to leave on the card's reverse side. It reads as follows:
"Yours in War Paint."
"Avoid rats, cock roaches and stinging lizards by hanging this in the infested district face to the wall for ordinary cases. Obstinate cases may be overcome easily by turning face out and allowing a faint ray of lite [sic] to fall on the cabasa"
"I suppose you will think I have my rations with me by the way my coat sits, but that is caused by the belt of ammunition."
Unfortunately in all his writing, the author forgot to include his own name for posterity.
The reverse side also has several later notations left by other sellers/collectors over the years.
Cabinet Photograph
Fotografia Inglesa - Photographer
Manila, Philippine Islands
c. 1910